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Golf Fore ALICE

Health Focus

United Way of Spokane County is dedicated to addressing the pressing issues of domestic violence and child abuse and neglect within our community. We are acutely aware that the rates of child abuse and neglect in our region are nearly double the state average, with 5,650 verified victims in 2018. When children experience traumatic situations, such as physical or emotional abuse, exposure to substance abuse, homelessness, and more, it is categorized as Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs. Individuals, both children and adults, who accumulate multiple ACEs are at a significantly higher risk of living in poverty and engaging in harmful health-related behaviors.


Our Objective:

Given the higher prevalence of domestic violence and child abuse and neglect in Spokane County compared to the statewide averages, our primary objective is to reduce the number of victims affected by abuse and neglect.



Our Approach:

We prioritize early intervention and provide support as a central focus of our initiatives. 


efforts focus on early intervention and support for vulnerable families to prevent and mitigate the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). We provide access to essential mental health and substance abuse services as part of a deliberate and coordinated strategy to ensure the safety and well-being of children. Additionally, we strive to create secure environments and offer support to families who are escaping domestic violence situations. Our approach is all-encompassing, reaching out to families facing multiple forms of trauma. We collaborate with local partners, implement best practices from our community and national sources, and foster collaborative relationships to drive the necessary changes.


United Way of Spokane County is committed to addressing the critical issues of domestic violence and child abuse in our community. Our aim is to reduce the prevalence of these adversities, ensuring a safer and more nurturing environment for families in Spokane County. Through early intervention, support, and strong partnerships, we are working to break the cycle of ACEs and create a brighter future for our community.